Diablo 2 smiter deadly strike
Diablo 2 smiter deadly strike

diablo 2 smiter deadly strike

Smite can however steal life through Life Tap.This is a major drawback in alter difficulties, as many melee classes rely heavily on life steal to stay alive. Smite does not work with Life/Mana steal.Smite is not affected by Attack Rating, so it never misses its target, regardless of defense and level of the target monster.

diablo 2 smiter deadly strike

Three aspects are however very important to remembed when using Smite It doesn't receive any extra damage from the Sanctuary Aura. The minor effects are a few: Smite can apply Crushing Blow and Open Wounds, but not Deadly Strike or elemental damage like fire etc. As such, it has several special aspects that make it both limited and highly useful depending on the situation.

diablo 2 smiter deadly strike

Smite is the only attack in the game that uses the shield as a weapon. Shield bash that does damage and knock back.

Diablo 2 smiter deadly strike